Monday, October 29, 2012

Rainy Days: They're a-Comin'

Saxophones Don't Rely on Electricity

     As I write this post, hurricane Sandy is chewing up the east cost, from the south up towards the tri-state area. This one's going to be bad here in New Jersey, as we never really get full hurricanes this far inland- generally, we get the dregs of the tropical storms. With Sandy, however, the eye of the storm will be passing slowly over the state. I imagine, knowing this state's horrible infrastructure, that power will be out- widespread -for over a week, and that life will get pretty dull. This is why I'm deciding to get out and play music every second I have the chance.
    I have the chance now. Well, in a few minutes. The wind is pretty crazy out there, but there's no rain as of yet, so my saxophone will be fine. I often play outdoors, in a dugout of the high school to which I live next door. The acoustics are decent, and it's safe from the elements. Playing there today, as Sandy crawls up the coast, I'll be able to see just how affected the saxophone's sound is by heavy wind. 
     Ultimately, there is no lesson here, not for this post. The Queen Mother of all rainy days is coming, so I'm writing casually about some thoughts before all power is lost and I become one of many living in the stone age. In fact, the only thing I can say to you all (especially you younger musicians reading) is that you should not go out in a hurricane to play music or do anything, as it's dangerous.
     The next two days will be miserable. Trees will fall, windows will break, and power will be out for some time. I can only look forward to the day after the storm, after the rain has finished falling, when the skies are crisp and I consider one spectacular fact: saxophones don't rely on electricity.

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